The company DIMA SRL was born in 2011 as an aggregation of consultants who have been operating, for twenty years, in the sector of Quality Management Systems, Welding, Coating survey, Inspections, Special Processes and Non-Destructive Controls.

The operating fields range from consulting and training for welding, CE marking, quality, safety and the environment, to the assistance of companies operating in the welded structures of equipment, pressure and carpentry and railway, to Second and Third Part Inspection as well as Expediting, specialized consultancy , Control documentation of Welding (Welding Book / Quaderni Saldature, WPQR, welder qualifications, etc.), Non-Destructive Controls, Paint Inspection & Coating Survey, Qualification and Surveillance of suppliers, execution of the tests for the verification of the capacity of the processes referred to in EN 1090-2.

DIMA SRL is authorized by Accredited Third Party Bodies for the certification of welding personnel (WPQ), certifications for Non Destructive Control (CND) operators of 1^ and 2^ Level according to ISO 9712, provides certified courses for the training of Auditors, Welding Coordinators, paint control specialists and product management experts according to Regulation (EU) 305/11 - CPR as well as certifies welding procedures (WPQR) according to ISO 15614 , ISO 15613.

DIMA SRL provides training and training courses in the fields of welding, non-destructive testing, paint control, quality, at its headquarters or directly at customers.

Despite the marked industrial vocation, the training activities of DIMA SRL are also aimed at the Regional and National Bodies responsible for the education of students and workers.

DIMA SRL is certified ISO 9001 by IIS CERT in sectors 34 (consulting) and 37 (training ), PED N. 19VE00692PN28 ÷ 32 and 2TO00471PN1 , obtained the "Excellent Company" award from the Veneto Region (DGR 1369/13) and can boast of having provided advice to a large number of Customers on Welding Management Systems ISO 3834, Factory Control Management EN 1090-1 "CE" marking of metal structures (Factory Production Control / Regulation (EU) No. 305 / 2011-CPR) , rail ISO 15085, ISO 45001, ISO 14001, ISO 9001 and MOCA (Materials and objects in contact with food).

Further activities are represented by the implementation of Organization - Management - Control Models (MOGC) pursuant to Legislative Decree 231/2001 and subsequent amendments, the assumption of positions of Supervisory Body (OdV) and the functions of Technology Transfer Services & Manager on products and services with protected intellectual content and the verification of compliance legal-ethics of companies (ISO 19600 compliance management system).

The company has progressively grown using only its own resources, redeeming itself to stand out and establish itself on the market thanks to its skills, certifications and prudent operational and economic management that allow customers to have a single interlocutor who supports the company, making the complex simple.

DIMA SRL is counted among the advanced service companies that professionals call Kibs; Knowledge Intensive Business Services or knowledge-intensive business services, sought after by the industrial system for the fundamental role of support and contribution of knowledge and skills that certainly do not find within itself.